Massage Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is all too common given our modern lifestyles. Long hours sitting in office chairs, or hard days labouring and lifting heavy objects lead to a plethora of issues and injuries which often culminate in back pain. Injury Mechanics specialise in dealing with lower back issues.

Is massage therapy good for lower back pain?

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Massage therapy is a helpful treatment for lower back pain. Massages to increase circulation, relax muscles and promote endorphin release are ideal for pain relief. These massage techniques often target soft tissues to promote cellular changes, which aid healing.

Massage therapy can also soothe issues enough to ease you back into your regular physical activity, or reduce pain in day to day life. This can be done through affecting both muscular and skeletal systems in a way that leads to long term healing.

Types of massage for lower back pain

We will always try to find the right solution for you, and your massage therapist will discuss this with you. There are several types of massage we might use for lower back pain:

  • Deep Tissue Massage - Often, the lower back pain you experience is caused by knots in the muscles. These can arise as a result of extended periods sitting in a chair, especially if with bad posture. Deep tissue massages can release these knots, as well as increasing blood flow to promote further healing.

  • Trigger Point Therapy - By loosening the fibers in muscle tissues through repeated compression and relaxation, trigger point therapy (also known as neuromuscular massage) targets myofascial trigger points under the skin. These points are believed to be the cause of musculoskeletal pain, and are areas of tight muscle tissue which are highly sensitive to pain.

  • Sports Massage - If you think your lower back pain is as a result of physical or athletic activity, a sports massage may be able to target the areas you have strained or damaged to provide relief quickly and effectively.

  • Myofascial Release Therapy - Alleviate lower back pain by manipulating the fascia to remove tension and pain which could be caused by fascial adhesions. After a myofascial release, you may find your posture is improved.

This list does not include every massage type we might use to treat lower back pain, but these are some of the more common techniques we find are useful. If you book an appointment with us, our specialists will work with you to find the best solution for you.

Book an Appointment for a Massage Now

Our lower back massage treatment

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At Injury Mechanics, our lower back massage treatment is catered towards you every time, we will assess your issues and implement the best service for you.

We of course offer massage for lower back pain, but there's plenty more we'd look at if you came to us with pain in this area. Treatments wise, we'd also explore the options of a deep tissue massage, myofascial release, acupuncture, joint mobilisation and manipulation, exercise prescription, modifying training load and advising on supplements/diet.

The goals of massage therapy for your lower back

At Injury Mechanics, our goal is always to work alongside you to find the best solution to your problems. If you're struggling with lower back pain, we will ask you questions about your daily life, what pain you’re experiencing, and the point you want to reach after your therapy with us.

Whilst the overall goal is to achieve comfort and pain relief, you may have individual or personal goals. These could be that you want to be able to sit at work every day without being in pain, or they could be that you want to free yourself from pain so that you can compete in an athletic event. No goal is too big or small, and our specialists are eager to help you reach them.

Massage Therapists in Bolton and Leyland

Based in Bolton and Leyland, Injury Mechanics are an evidence-driven team for treatment and rehabilitation. Book in your appointment now!

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